Dream Revolution

In general, a revolution signifies a momentous and transformative shift, often characterized by upheaval and the replacement of established systems or practices with new ones.

I am starting a Dream Revolution.

It is time that we replace the practice of disengagement.

Of apathy.

Of self-medication.

Of depression.

Of unhappiness and unrest.

We need to dream again. I invite you to join me in starting the challenge to reach 1 million dreams.

One million dreams written down.

One million dreams identified and cast out to the universe.

If you want to be a part of the Dream Revolution, there are only 2 things to do.

With my Dream clients, I have them make a list of 100 dreams, but today, I am asking you to only come up with 30.

Write them down. In a journal or on the back of a envelope, it doesn’t matter.

Then fill out the form below with the number of dreams you have.

Dreams Loading Now...

Next, commit to sharing the Dream Revolution with 3 people and help them to make a list of 30 dreams. It could be your spouse, your children, your best friend.

We all need to dream. Send them to this page to register the number of their dreams, and then pass it on.

Interested in developing more dreams for your list?

Join me for my monthly Dream Storms, where I will take you through a process to tap into your dreams.

I promise, coming up with a list of 100 dreams will get easy. I will also walk you through what to do after you have your dreams on paper.

Our first Dream Storm is Sunday May 19th 7:00-8:30 PM ET.

Mark the form to be added to the Dream Storm list and get email updates for the upcoming dates.

Follow my FB page: Epic Living with Jean for more information.

Are you ready to dream?